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Разработчик: On the EDGE Conservation

Все об игре Kakapo Run: Animal Rescue Game (для планшета и смартфона)

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Kakapo Run: Animal Rescue Game
Разработчик: On the EDGE Conservation (© 2020 On the EDGE Productions Ltd)
Наличие русского языка: нет
Возрастная категория: 4+
Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstarstar (4.820)
Языки: EN
Дата выпуска: 16.06.2021
Цена в AppStore: 0 руб.

Статистика для iPad

Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 39)
Рейтинг текущей версии: starstarstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 39)
Возрастная категория: 4+
Относится к категориям: Игры, Семейные, Приключения
Приложение входит в ТОП-200 (по количеству загрузок) по следующим категориям: Игра не входит в ТОП-200 (по количеству загрузок) ни по одной категории ни в одном разделе.

Обзор, описание

Here’s an endless-runner game with an insanely unique, crazy-cool feathery hero: the kākāpō. It’s a parrot so large that it can’t fly, with a mating call so deep that it rumbles the floor, and a tendency to freeze like a parrot-shaped rock when it senses danger. It’s the only bird left on earth from a whole branch of the tree of life (its distant cousin: the dodo).

Plenty of dangers confront these “owl-parrots” in the wild … so many, in fact, that the 200-odd remaining kākāpō are on their own protected island in New Zealand.

Your mission in Kākāpō Run: get the kākāpō to safety by crossing a danger-ridden New Zealand to Sanctuary Island. Hungry stoats are just one of the challenges that face you as you jump, dodge and slide through forests, shorelines and cities.

Along the way, learn about the incredible kākāpō and how they’re being brought back from the edge of extinction.

‘Kākāpō Run’ is created by On the Edge. We’re working with indigenous communities and conservation groups in New Zealand to help save the kākāpō in real life. By playing the game you’re getting involved in the effort to protect one of the world’s most unique birds, and restore their native habitat.

On behalf of all kākāpō, thank you for playing and helping with their survival.

Ready to run? Let’s play! Swipe down to slide under objects, swipe left to change lanes and swipe up to jump.

Key features:
• Keep on running in Endless mode
• See if you have what it takes to rank in the top 10 of the Leaderboards
• Share your score with your friends on social media and challenge them to beat you
• Collect feathers and spend on the new gold and silver kākāpō!
• Collect enough Rimu seeds to power up. Don’t have enough? Purchase some from the shop
• No ads, no in-app purchases - Totally free
• The unique sounds of real kākāpō, from the unusual mating ‘boom’ to squarks
• Four environments to traverse, inspired by New Zealand's unique and varied landscape. From dense forests to idyllic coastlines, and cities crammed with traffic terror.
• Oncoming obstacles from predators to rolling rocks. Jump, Dodge and Swipe to avoid them!
• Did you die before completing a level? You can answer a quiz question and get to continue running as a reward.
• Kākāpō facts
• Select your favourite kākāpō sticker to add to your social post.
• iMessage stickers

Support the mission by shouting out about #SaveTheKakapo





К сожалению, у нас пока нет видео к этой игре. Но скоро оно обязательно появится!



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