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Разработчик: Acram Digital

Все об игре Unmatched: Digital Edition (для планшета и смартфона)

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Unmatched: Digital Edition
Разработчик: Acram Digital (© Acram Digital & Restoration Games)
Наличие русского языка: нет
Возрастная категория: 9+
Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstar (3.437)
Языки: EN
Дата выпуска: 28.02.2023
Цена в AppStore: 699 руб.

Статистика для iPad

Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 16)
Рейтинг текущей версии: starstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 16)
Возрастная категория: 9+
Относится к категориям: Игры, Развлечения, Настольные, Стратегии
Приложение входит в ТОП-200 (по количеству загрузок) по следующим категориям: Игра не входит в ТОП-200 (по количеству загрузок) ни по одной категории ни в одном разделе.

Обзор, описание

Unmatched: Digital Edition is an adaptation of the critically acclaimed board game, where two (or more) opponents command characters from myth, history, or fiction in a battle for the ages! Have you ever wondered who would win, King Arthur (aided by Merlin) or a sword-wielding Alice of Wonderland? How would Sinbad and his trusty porter fare against Medusa and the three harpies? The only way to find the truth is in battle with a quick game of Unmatched!

In Battle The Are No Equals!

What is Unmatched?
Unmatched: Digital Edition is a tactical game where each player commands their hero and sidekick(s), using a unique deck of cards, to defeat their opponent on the field of battle.

The rules are simple. On your turn, take two actions which can be:
- Maneuver: Move your fighters and draw a card!
- Attack: Play an attack card!
- Scheme: Play a scheme card (cards that have a special effect).

Get your opponent's hero to zero health, and you win the game.

What makes the game special is that each hero has a unique deck and ability. Alice grows big and gets small. King Arthur can discard a card to power up his attack. Sinbad gets stronger as he goes on more voyages. Medusa can damage you with just a glance.

What makes Unmatched great?
Unmatched is one of those easy-to-learn games with an incredible amount of depth. The tactical insight and knowledge of your hero and your opponents will determine the outcome of the fight. Games are quick – but play out very differently! Your decisions will determine your fate, and your skill (and just a bit of luck) will win the day.

What can you expect?
* Epic duels between the most unlikely opponents!
* Huge tactical depth!
* Stunning artwork by legendary artists!
*Three levels of AI for solo play!
* Near infinite replayability!
* Easy to learn, hard to master!
* In-game tutorial and rulebook!
* Online multiplayer!
* Synchronous and asynchronous game modes!
* Official Unmatched rules consulted with the designers of the board game!
* Multiple expansions to come - bringing new heroes and maps!
* Unique experience of a board game with the convenience of a digital platform!

The basic game contains:
- Alice
- King Arthur
- Medusa
- Sinbad
- Marmoreal Map
- Sarphedon Map

The original board game was awarded the following honors:
- 2019 Board Game Quest Awards Best Two Player Game Nominee
- 2019 Board Game Quest Awards Best Tactical/Combat Game Nominee

The application was recognized by the BoardGameGeek community:
- Best Board Game App Winner of the 18th Annual Golden Geek Awards for 2023





К сожалению, у нас пока нет видео к этой игре. Но скоро оно обязательно появится!



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