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Разработчик: 3 Sprockets

Все об игре Cubemen2 (для планшета и смартфона)

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Разработчик: 3 Sprockets (© 3 Sprockets Pty Ltd)
Наличие русского языка: есть
Возрастная категория: 12+
Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstarstar (4.714)
Дата выпуска: 06.06.2013
Цена в AppStore: 199 руб.

Статистика для iPad

Общий рейтинг: starstarstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 7)
Рейтинг текущей версии: starstarstarstarstar (Количество проголосовавших: 7)
Возрастная категория: 12+
Относится к категориям: Игры, Развлечения, Стратегии, Экшен
Приложение входит в ТОП-200 (по количеству загрузок) по следующим категориям:
  1. стратегии, место: 97 (раздел: платные игры)

Обзор, описание

Cubemen 2 is a fast paced, action packed, original 3D Strategy game where you use your little Cubemen units to defend and attack enemies in a range of awesome game modes including CTF, Skirmish, Territory and more.

“Cubemen 2 is a fun and unique experience that most strategy buffs would do well to try at least once.”
8/10 – Dads Gaming Addiction

“All in all this game is a very nice piece of work, being a fan of the original I am really glad to see how the series has come along!”
8/10 – Out Of The Box

"Cubemen 2 is another strong release for 3 Sprockets, and shows what a great developer can really do with a sequel."
9/10 - Gamers Xtreme

For the multi-player enthusiasts, you can compete in up to 6 player online Solo or Team battles against other humans or AI, for the top spot on the global rankings. Host your own online games or join other games in the easy to use game lobby.

All multi-player games are cross-platform so play OSX against iOS.

For those that prefer the single-player experience, Cubemen 2 offers 2 unique single-player game modes plus 2x Campaigns, all with online rankings so you can compete against the worlds best.

Cubemen 2 offers enough variety to satisfy everyones strategy gaming needs.

Check out the trailer...

■ New Cubemen Original Soundtrack available at..

Play on an almost endless supply of new and exciting user generated levels, or launch the easy to use built in level editor and make and share your own. All levels are stored locally so you can play your favorites when offline.

Key Features:
■ Seven outstanding game modes including KOTH, Defector, CTF, Territory and Rescue!
■ Customisable unit skins... Play as Cowboys, Knights or even Luchadores!
■ Built in Level Editor to play and share your own levels (iPad only)
■ Customisable level themes... Choose from over 20 styles
■ No static towers. Move your Cubemen around the level and attack or defend at will
■ 2 Campaigns where you compete against others for a global ranking
■ Up to 6 player cross-platform multi-player carnage
■ Find new online levels to play with a single click
■ Nine specialised unit types including path blockers, mines and freeze lightning
■ Real 3D levels with Teleporters, Healing Stations and floating platforms
■ Online ranking for all game modes
■ Teams and individual multi-player games against Humans, AI or both!
■ Clean, rich and simplistic visuals that keep the focus on the strategy
■ Over 14000 user levels to play!

*Note: Level editor is only available on the iPad.

It’s TD and RTS like you’ve never seen or experienced before. Grab it now!

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